
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Content Monster Conquered

My blog is being written for my Principles of Social Media course at ONU. With that being said, we are reading book called The Art of Social Media  by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick. As I am only at the beginning of the book, I have only learned about a few topics. However, the most interesting chapter I have read is chapter 2, "How to Feed the Content Monster." As soon as I heard that I have to do a blog consistently throughout the semester, I instantly thought about what I would blog about. Personally, I think of myself as a boring person which caused me to panic about not having 45 topics to blog about. However, the second chapter of this book has helped me figure out how to think in order to get a topic. Although the chapter talks a lot about making money through content and social media, I have not intentions of making money with my blogs or marketing any certain product. The guidelines within the chapter can be applied to regular blogging, though. The first sug

Why Insurance?

As I had mentioned, I am currently majoring in Risk Management and Insurance. When I tell people this, most people ask what it is and why would I ever want to pursue a career in insurance. Truth be told, I never considered insurance until I came to Ohio Northern. During my freshman year, there was a senior that came into one of my classes to talk about the major. She talked about all the different opportunities within the insurance industry. This inspired me to look into the industry and I eventually fell in love with it. So, when people ask me "why would I ever want to pursue a career in insurance," I usually rattle off a list of reasons. Here are my top 3 reasons why I chose insurance: Reason 1: It is a old, yet growing industry. The insurance industry dates back to the 1700s. Throughout the years, it has evolved and grown into many different branches. The main branches that people know are life, health, auto, and property insurance. Because many states require insur

Travel for the Reality, not the Tourism

As I had mentioned in my previous blog, I travel as much as I possibly can. The two best places I have travelled are Beqa Island, Fiji, and Matamoros, Mexico.  Given, I have frequented Gatlinburg, Tennessee, for many years and have visited New York City and Los Angeles a few times. However, the most eye-opening and life changing trips were to Fiji and Mexico. Before I went to Fiji, I was under the impression that I was just going to be lazy on the beach and to be apart of my aunt's wedding.  Once I got to Fiji, I quickly learned that I wanted to skip the tourism and get the reality of what it is really like living in this country. On our first few days, we relaxed and snorkeled. Later in our trip, we decided to take a trip into the local village. We hopped on a rickety old boat and headed around the island. When we arrived at the village, we were slapped with a ton of reality, a ton of poverty. The roofs and floors were made of woven palm leaves, there was no running water and no

Hey, I'm Kortney

My name is Kortney and I am currently a senior at Ohio Northern University. My major is in Risk Management and Insurance and my minor is in Marketing. As of now, I am working as a sales assistant and manage all social media for Polished Nail and Body Salon and Boutique 415 in Bluffton, Ohio. After graduation this Spring, I will be working at Ohio Mutual Insurance Group (OMIG) in Bucyrus, Ohio, in the auto material damage (AMD) claims department. I have interned for OMIG in the summer of 2018 and went back to work there temporarily during Winter break 2018.  Through this company, I will be handling multi-party auto claims and working on getting several different designations such as Associate in Claims (AIC), Associate in General Insurance (AINS), and eventually Certified Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU).  For those who are not familiar with the insurance industry, the CPCU is considered "the doctorate of insurance". A photo from my Fiji trip. Whenever I do