The Content Monster Conquered

My blog is being written for my Principles of Social Media course at ONU. With that being said, we are reading book called The Art of Social Media by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick.
As I am only at the beginning of the book, I have only learned about a few topics. However, the most interesting chapter I have read is chapter 2, "How to Feed the Content Monster." As soon as I heard that I have to do a blog consistently throughout the semester, I instantly thought about what I would blog about. Personally, I think of myself as a boring person which caused me to panic about not having 45 topics to blog about.

However, the second chapter of this book has helped me figure out how to think in order to get a topic. Although the chapter talks a lot about making money through content and social media, I have not intentions of making money with my blogs or marketing any certain product. The guidelines within the chapter can be applied to regular blogging, though.

The first suggestion is something that will help me throughout the course a tremendous amount. This suggestion is to make a plan. Simply put, know who you want to see your content and know what kind of content your target audience would want to see.

The second suggestion that will help me throughout the course is resharing other's blogs and encouraging people to share my blogs. I know that each person wants to have their blog viewed and gain interactions on them. I also know that a great way to promote interactions and sharing on my blogs is to share other's blogs.

The third and final suggestion that will help me is using trending topics to write about. In this chapter, it suggests going to the Facebook "trending" section and picking a topic and writing about it. Many people want to know about what is current, or "now," and will search to find posts about these events. More people will visit your blog or page if you become a reliable source of information about what is current.


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