
Showing posts from March, 2019

8 Reasons to Watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Without a doubt, Friends  is my favorite show of all time. It blows my mind when someone mentions that they have not watched more than an episode of Friends . I, on the other hand, have watched every single episode at least three times. I have compiled a list of reasons you should watch Friends : 1. It's relatable.  Let's be honest, we all know a Joey, Rachel, Phoebe, or Ross. 2. It's a great way to spend a vacation. There is about 85 hours of watching if you put every single episode together. That is about 2 weeks of watching Friends  if you watch it every day for 8 hours a day. It's possible. Not that I have done that before... 3. Phoebe. Phoebe is probably one of my favorite characters. Everyone has that one friend that is just  like her. We all appreciate that said friend. So, why not watch the television version of them? 4. Your love for your friends will grow. When watching it, you begin to realize the importance of your friends you have now.

Social Media Workshop

Last Friday, March 22, I attended the Social Media Workshop here at ONU. I listened to several speakers and got tons of helpful information.  My favorite speaker was probably Amanda Todorovich. She is the leader of the team that makes all of the Cleveland Clinic's blogs. I have used the Health Essentials blog a few times to get information and can say that I get why it is so successful. She talked about what to post and what not to post. She went in depth about that people only want to see what they care about and that they want consistency.  One of her statements struck me the most and that was, "Don't just look at data. Listen to data." A lot of people will gather data and analyze it. However, most of those people will not do much with that data or "listen" to what it is telling you. She said that her team takes data from each post, week, month, and year and analyzes it then listens to it. By listening to the data, her team as able to find that t

Nashville Getaway & UFC Fight Night

This past weekend has been very busy and very eventful. Friday I attended the Social Media Workshop here on campus, but afterwards I immediately left for Nashville with my fiancé and his family. Friday night we drove about 4 and a half hours and stopped somewhere in Kentucky for the night. Saturday we finished driving and explored downtown for awhile. My fiancé, DeLee, and I in front of one of the Old Marathon car factory. The first stop we made was to my fiancé's dad's favorite stop -- Antique Archaeology. This is the store that Mike and Frank from American Pickers  owns. Next we went to the old Marathon car factory and did tastings at the Tennessee Distillery and a winery within the building. By the time we were done with this, we had to check into our hotel before we went to the UFC fights. DeLee's Selfie with Tyron Woodley The next stop was my favorite. We headed down to the Bridgestone Arena to watch the UFC fights. The main event was Anthony "

What Capstone Has Taught Me

Capstone is a project that many universities have and what every student at ONU has to go through in order to graduate. As it being my final year at ONU, I am currently doing a Capstone project. For business students, Capstone is when real clients are assigned to students to help solve real problems they are facing in their company or industry. Throughout last semester and this semester thus far, I have experienced many trials and tribulations with this project. From my teammates to our assignments, the project has been anything but easy. However, I have learned so much from it and it has changed me for the better. The first thing I have learned is time management. Time management is key when it comes to large group projects such as this. Each semester, we have created a Gantt chart to help our team stay on track. We had to decide which aspects of each assignment need attention the most and the longest and assign different members to it as needed. The second thing I have learn

Benefits of Being an Only Child

As a few know, I am an only child. Many people ask me "did you ever get bored?" or "how did you survive just having your parents?" when they find out I have no siblings. However, I am here to list a few benefits that being an only child has given me: 1. I got to hog the backseat on road trips. I have gone on a few road trips with other families where the constant argument was who was taking more room in the backseat. As for me, I only had to decide where I wanted my feet when taking up the whole backseat. 2. I am better at sharing. My parents were conscious about the "only child" stereotype. They would make me share with them, the neighbor boy, or my pets to teach me the valuable lesson at a young age. As I have gotten older, I found that I am better at sharing than most people I have encountered that have siblings. 3. I have always been mature for my age. Only being around my parents and their friends from a very young age, I have always been

Strategy is Everywhere

Something that I have found fascinating in chapter 6 is the fact that strategic planning is everywhere and can take many forms. In the business college, we have several courses based solely on strategic planning. In business, strategic planning is generally used with how to gain more market share, profits, or revenues. In social media, strategic planning can be used to grow brand awareness. Brand awareness can either be for a personal brand or a professional/business brand. Being able to strategically plan your posts, content, and information that you are loading onto the Internet and greatly drive who your audience is and how they will react. There are many ways that this relates directly to the business world. For example, say that a small, start up company wants to grow their presence online in hopes of getting more customers. This company would have to create a plan on how to get from point A to point B in the most efficient and effective way. For this company, they would ha