Benefits of Being an Only Child

As a few know, I am an only child. Many people ask me "did you ever get bored?" or "how did you survive just having your parents?" when they find out I have no siblings. However, I am here to list a few benefits that being an only child has given me:

1. I got to hog the backseat on road trips.
I have gone on a few road trips with other families where the constant argument was who was taking more room in the backseat. As for me, I only had to decide where I wanted my feet when taking up the whole backseat.

2. I am better at sharing.
My parents were conscious about the "only child" stereotype. They would make me share with them, the neighbor boy, or my pets to teach me the valuable lesson at a young age. As I have gotten older, I found that I am better at sharing than most people I have encountered that have siblings.

3. I have always been mature for my age.
Only being around my parents and their friends from a very young age, I have always been told I am mature for my age. I think this is because I have only been around mature adults and have picked up on their mannerisms.

4. Spending most of my time alone has given me a strong imagination.
Being alone so much gave me the opportunity to figure out how to place single-player checkers. Yes, it can happen.

5. I never had to share my room.
Starting college was eye-opening for me. Not only because of all of the new experiences, but because I actually had to share my room. Honestly, sharing my room was what I was most nervous about.

6. My best friends (and pets) turn into family to me really quickly.
Many people call their best friend their sister or brother, but for an only child this takes on a whole new meaning. As for pets, I have always considered my dogs and cats as one of my siblings.

7. I am very independent.
Always being alone allowed me to become very independent and has given me the mindset of being able to do anything without help (which has proven to be both a blessing and a curse).

8. I have became more responsible.
I used to think that my parents were very strict when I was growing up. Most of my friends would call them that, too. However, it has only taught me to be more responsible.


  1. This is such a cool insight! I am the oldest of 3 girls, but I was an only child for almost seven years. It's weird reading these because I definitely possess some of these qualities from when I was an only child, but then some of them are super off and not true because now I have two younger sisters. Super interesting!


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