What Capstone Has Taught Me

Capstone is a project that many universities have and what every student at ONU has to go through in order to graduate. As it being my final year at ONU, I am currently doing a Capstone project. For business students, Capstone is when real clients are assigned to students to help solve real problems they are facing in their company or industry.

Throughout last semester and this semester thus far, I have experienced many trials and tribulations with this project. From my teammates to our assignments, the project has been anything but easy. However, I have learned so much from it and it has changed me for the better.

The first thing I have learned is time management. Time management is key when it comes to large group projects such as this. Each semester, we have created a Gantt chart to help our team stay on track. We had to decide which aspects of each assignment need attention the most and the longest and assign different members to it as needed.

The second thing I have learned is leadership. If you asked me a year ago if I defined myself as a leader, I would have said absolutely not. I quickly had to become a leader because of this project. These leadership skills have travelled with me outside of Capstone and into both the job I have now and the job I will be at after graduation in May.

The third thing that I have learned is how to pick up the pieces. In every team, there are always trials and tribulations with other team members that may cause different aspects of an assignment or presentation to be left out. I have had to quickly learn to pick up these pieces and make them fit or fix them so our team could succeed at the highest levels possible.

Capstone is a project everyone dreads, but it is definitely a great experience to learn from and is something I will likely refer to in my professional career.


  1. It's nice to hear that Capstone is something that give you real experience to help you prepare for your future profession. Finding time to complete a group project can be difficult because of everyone's busy schedules. I am glad you are getting personal growth out of Capstone. I am sure my Capstone will be here before I know it!


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