Social Media Workshop

Last Friday, March 22, I attended the Social Media Workshop here at ONU. I listened to several speakers and got tons of helpful information. 

My favorite speaker was probably Amanda Todorovich. She is the leader of the team that makes all of the Cleveland Clinic's blogs. I have used the Health Essentials blog a few times to get information and can say that I get why it is so successful. She talked about what to post and what not to post. She went in depth about that people only want to see what they care about and that they want consistency. 

One of her statements struck me the most and that was, "Don't just look at data. Listen to data." A lot of people will gather data and analyze it. However, most of those people will not do much with that data or "listen" to what it is telling you. She said that her team takes data from each post, week, month, and year and analyzes it then listens to it. By listening to the data, her team as able to find that the most popular months for their Health Essentials blog are October (the beginning of the flu season) and January (the beginning of everyone's New Year's Resolutions and when most people get a cold or the flu). Her team uses this data to help decide what to post. She said that they will post more about cold and flu prevention in October and more cold and flu relief and health tips in January. 

If I were to be at ONU as a student next semester, I would definitely attend this workshop again. It was very insightful overall. I would recommend it to anyone even if they have little interest in social media.


  1. I loved listening to Amanda Todorovich speak! She's a really engaging speaker who had a lot of interesting tips and insights. I think it's incredible how much work she and her team has done with the Cleveland Clinic. I would never have thought that they could reach so many different people from all over the world. The whole event was really cool. I enjoyed listening to the different speakers they brought in to ONU.


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