
Showing posts from February, 2019

Redefining my Personal Brand - Chapter 4

My Social Media Principles course has convinced me to think more about social media and how it is becoming increasingly more important rapidly. We have been talking about creating a professional and a personal brand in Chapter 4 of our book. This chapter convinced me to revamp or redo my social media. I currently have a very small following on all of my social media platforms. All of them are currently private, as well. However, I have noticed that I am not consistent through all of my platforms. For example, Facebook is very family oriented for me and very informal. My LinkedIn account is very professional, and my Instagram is very random. On Instagram, I usually post whatever I want. All three of these are set to private and not public. I do have a Twitter account, but I  never use it. I literally have 5 followers and only logged back into it so I can do my live tweeting assignment I decided to start revamping my social media with Twitter account. Since I have a very, very sma

10 Things College Students Think At Least Once

As a college students, these are some things most of us say at least once during our college career: 1. "I think I'll stay in tonight." Everyone says this, then decides to go out at last minute because your youth isn't forever. 2. "I need to go to the library. I need to do good tomorrow." For the most part, this means that we are going to find a spot in the library to sleep and be on social media. 3. "I'll wake up early tomorrow and do it." I am 100% guilty of this, and whatever was going to get done does not get done. 4. "I'm going to head to the gym." We all have good intentions, but pizza usually wins. 5. "I deserve this." We say this many times. Sometimes, we say it when we are thinking about what we need to accomplish. Other times it means that we're shopping on Amazon at 3 AM trying to justify spending our last $15 on a taco holder. 6. "I think my professors are trying to destroy me.&qu

International Play Festival: India

Over the weekend, I attend the Sunday showing of the International Play Festival: India where the play Hayavadana was performed by ONU students. This play was beautifully executed with minimal props, which made the imaginations of the viewers go wild. The live, authentic music was a plus, too. Live music performed before, during, and after the performance. I used this event for my live tweeting assignment. I quickly found out this was not the best event to live tweet because no phones or photography were permitted. However, i was able to tweet before, at intermission, and after the play. Hayavadana is a out two men who fall in love with the same woman and that same woman falling in love with both of them. The two men, Devadatta and Kapila, are best friends and feel betrayed when they find out they're both in love with the same woman, Padmini. Padmini ends up marrying and having a child with Kapila. About half way through the play, Devadatta gives his head as a sacrific

Blending Religions, Traditions, and Languages

There are a million things to think about when planning a wedding. From the traditions, to the ceremony, to the reception, there are many different choices and questions that just seem to be endless. As a few know, I am having a Mexican-American wedding. My fiancé is 100% Mexican and so is his family. I have learned so much and have learned to love everything about Mexican culture. However, there are many differences between Mexican and American weddings. For our wedding, we have decided to make everything 50/50. This means we are making our ceremony in half Spanish and half English, we are having half Spanish and half English music, we are having both Mexican and American traditions in our ceremony, and we are combining Catholic and Methodist religions equally. This makes everything just a little harder, but a lot more worth it. For our ceremony, we are having the Pastor from my church (I am Methodist) come to another Methodist church and we invited a Catholic Priest who speak

How ONU Has Changed Me

Ohio Northern is or once was home for many people including myself. As the end of my time at ONU is coming to an end, I have been reflecting on just how ONU has changed me. The first major way that I noticed ONU change me is in my maturity. Before coming to ONU my freshman year, I was the typical immature high school senior that did not have a care in the world. I would do what I wanted and only craved to be "free." Within the first few months of being at ONU, I found that I was rapidly maturing because I was "on my own" even though I was living on campus. It made me learn time management, not to procrastinate, and to work hard so you can play harder. The second way that ONU changed me is by making me realize I can be more than I ever thought I could be. I had always been the carefree person in high school because I did not realize what I was capable of. I use to think that I was only able to go as far as my grades would let me (I was not an all A student to

How Social Media is Shaping the way I View Business

Social media is shaping and changing the way I am viewing business. Because I use social media on a daily basis for my job, I am starting to see how it can propel a business and grow brand awareness. At first, I thought of social media as a unprofessional way of dealing with business and that it should not really be used for professional things such as business. However, that as changed over the last few months. Because of my job, I am able to get a "behind the scenes" look at how social media can improve a business. Whenever I take Boutique 415 or Polished to an event, I always promote the event on social media. I then can see how well the post is performing and whether or not people are interested in going to the event if I create an actual event on our page. Generally, our event posts attract more attention than our regular posts. This has showed me that posting about events does generate more attention towards your business. Another way that social media has change

Going "Live" for the First Time

As I have mentioned several times before, I am in charge of all social media for the business/businesses that I work for. Recently, my boss has brought up that she would like to sell items online to expand her store and increase sales. I have been working endlessly on designing a website and taking and editing photos for the items that are being sold to get her goal accomplished. It has been long hours of work but, I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  Last weekend, she wanted to do a live video on Facebook to promote new arrivals and to allow people to order them through the video. Luckily, I had the help from her daughter for the video. However, I was a lot more nervous than I thought I would be for the video. I have never gone live on any social media platform on both my personal pages and the business pages. There was hours of preparation put into this live video (which only lasted 12 minutes). The steps and thing we had to accomplish before going live

20 Weird Laws from Around the World

A thing that fascinates me is some of the laws in other countries around the world. Some of them are crazy, and some of them sound like there is no reason for them. I have compiled a list of weird laws from around the world below: 1. Don't Frown As crazy as it sounds, it is illegal to frown in Milan unless you are attending a funeral or visiting someone in the hospital. 2. No Gum Allowed Gum is a staple in most people's bags, purses, etc. This is not the case in Singapore. Gum is not bought or sold in Singapore in order to keep their public places cleaner. This makes chewing gum illegal! 3. Use both Feet to Pedal If you ride a bike in Mexico, make sure you keep both feet on the pedals. It is illegal to take both feet off the pedals while biking because it can cause harm if you lose control. 4. Don't Spit Out the Window It is illegal to spit out the window of a car or bus in Marietta, Georgia. However, it is legal to spit from a truck! 5. Don't Fly with

Why it's Okay to get Married Young

When I tell people that I am engaged, they usually tell me, "But, you are so young!" or "I think you are too young to know he is the one for you." The list goes on and on. Then, of course it is followed up with, "well, congratualtions." But what I do not understand is why people think there is a minimum age that someone has to be in order to get married. I am 22 and my fiancé is 23. Both of our parents were married by 21. What I found odd is that I get these remarks from the generations that were all married by 20 or 21. Many people try to throw facts at us. They tell us, "your brain is not fully developed until 25," "there is no way you will know because you are in college," and "do you think you will be able to handle that with your college? I do not think anyone can." One of my engagement photos. But, I come back with "yes." What some people do not understand is that when you are young and you find the pe

Social Media Tips and Tricks

As you may know, I am currently working at a boutique (Boutique 415) and a nail salon (Polished Nail and Body Salon). At these businesses, I am a sales assistant and I also manage all social media for both. Although I am fairly new at using social media for professional use, I have compiled a list of a few tips and tricks that have proven to work for me. 1. Use a Hashtag I know, it sounds obvious. But, using a hashtag can generate a lot of "traffic" to your page. For example, at the boutique, I try to always have "#boutique415" at the end of each page. This allows the viewers to know which company is posting. Along with #boutique415, I also add a few hashtags that go with what is in the photo or post. For example, if I post a photo of a new top that just arrived, I could use #boutique415 and #newarrival. This would attract people who are searching "#newarrival." 2. Post VERY  Frequently For both businesses, I schedule 4 to 6 posts a day. If I am

Social Media in the Workplace - Podcast

Recently, I have had the opportunity to interview someone who deals with social media for a business on a regular basis. I interviewed DeLee Salinas. He works in sales at K&M Tire but also helps with their social media pages. We went in depth on how K&M used hashtags for their recent dealer conference and how they paired a very specific hashtag with a very vague hashtag in order to reach a larger audience. See blow for our interview: