10 Things College Students Think At Least Once

As a college students, these are some things most of us say at least once during our college career:

1. "I think I'll stay in tonight."
Everyone says this, then decides to go out at last minute because your youth isn't forever.

2. "I need to go to the library. I need to do good tomorrow."
For the most part, this means that we are going to find a spot in the library to sleep and be on social media.

3. "I'll wake up early tomorrow and do it."
I am 100% guilty of this, and whatever was going to get done does not get done.

4. "I'm going to head to the gym."
We all have good intentions, but pizza usually wins.

5. "I deserve this."
We say this many times. Sometimes, we say it when we are thinking about what we need to accomplish. Other times it means that we're shopping on Amazon at 3 AM trying to justify spending our last $15 on a taco holder.

6. "I think my professors are trying to destroy me."
This is almost a daily thought. I'm a firm believer that professors meet to set deadlines on the same days for all classes.

7. "I think I'll try to look nice today."
I think this most days, but put on sweats or leggings everyday.

8. "I need to participate more."
...but making contact with no one sounds better.

9. "I need a nap."
We say this daily, usually multiple times a day. I'm also a firm believer that adults need naps more than children.

10. "How much would it really hurt me if I dropped out?"
The very stressful times, such as finals week, almost always has every student thinking this.

College is rough, but it is so worth it.


  1. This is actually so funny and very true to me. I actually laughed out loud.

  2. This is beyond accurate, and so funny! I definitely think of at least three of these a day!


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