How ONU Has Changed Me

Ohio Northern is or once was home for many people including myself. As the end of my time at ONU is coming to an end, I have been reflecting on just how ONU has changed me.

The first major way that I noticed ONU change me is in my maturity. Before coming to ONU my freshman year, I was the typical immature high school senior that did not have a care in the world. I would do what I wanted and only craved to be "free." Within the first few months of being at ONU, I found that I was rapidly maturing because I was "on my own" even though I was living on campus. It made me learn time management, not to procrastinate, and to work hard so you can play harder.

The second way that ONU changed me is by making me realize I can be more than I ever thought I could be. I had always been the carefree person in high school because I did not realize what I was capable of. I use to think that I was only able to go as far as my grades would let me (I was not an all A student to say the least). I let that limit my thoughts and dreams. During my sophomore year at ONU, I realized that I could be more than what I thought I could be no matter what may become a set back. I realized that with motivation, courage, and hard work that there could be no barrier between myself and my dreams.

The third way that ONU has changed me is by making me into a leader. Before ONU, I was always a follower and went with the flow of things. I was never happy being the follower and I always wanted to lead but assumed no one would listen to me. I did not become a leader until my senior year at ONU when Capstone started. I have had many setbacks and trials with Capstone and my team, but I had to force myself out of my comfort zone and become a leader. Being pushed out of my comfort zone and being a leader has actually helped me in my professional career(s) outside of ONU.

The fourth and final way that ONU changed me is it made me realize just how important family is. Over these past four years, I have never missed my family more and I have enjoyed being with them more than ever. As a few know, my dad works here at ONU in the Engineering department. For all four years, it was our thing to go out to eat once a week for lunch. It made being away from home a little easier. I am an only child, so leaving for college was just as hard on me as it was my parents. When I had the opportunity to go home for a day or even for our breaks, I cherished each moment. As graduation and my wedding come closer and closer, I cherish these moments even more.


  1. Congrats on graduation and getting married, that's so exciting! I'm glad you had a good ONU experience and were able to grow a lot as a person. I'm only a second year, and I can already see a lot of this changing in myself. It's crazy how much you can emotionally grow in such a short time.

  2. I am in my fourth year here at ONU and I definitely think it has also changed me for the better! I felt the exact same way freshman year when I realized how quickly I needed to mature and grow up. I also realized how important family is, it is really hard to be away from my family but I live close enough that I can take weekend trips to visit them if I really need to. It's interesting to look out how much people change from being a free willed freshman doing whatever they want into a senior that is ready to take on the professional world, so much can change in only 4 years!

  3. Insightful reflection! I am glad you look back on your journey with happiness and that you have allowed yourself to grow so much. I hope that you continue to have that close relationship with your family throughout your life, as they are a great support system to have. I also hope that you continue to grow in believing in yourself. You can accomplish anything, and if you ever need proof you can look back on your past accomplishments and growth at ONU. I am excited to see how much I will grow in my time at ONU, especially even more after reading about your transformation.


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