Social Media Tips and Tricks

As you may know, I am currently working at a boutique (Boutique 415) and a nail salon (Polished Nail and Body Salon). At these businesses, I am a sales assistant and I also manage all social media for both. Although I am fairly new at using social media for professional use, I have compiled a list of a few tips and tricks that have proven to work for me.

1. Use a Hashtag
I know, it sounds obvious. But, using a hashtag can generate a lot of "traffic" to your page. For example, at the boutique, I try to always have "#boutique415" at the end of each page. This allows the viewers to know which company is posting. Along with #boutique415, I also add a few hashtags that go with what is in the photo or post. For example, if I post a photo of a new top that just arrived, I could use #boutique415 and #newarrival. This would attract people who are searching "#newarrival."

2. Post VERY Frequently
For both businesses, I schedule 4 to 6 posts a day. If I am not physically at work, I am at my apartment working on scheduling posts weeks in advance. Social media may be something that is considered "quick and easy" however, I can assure you that it is very time consuming from a business perspective. Several studies have shown that posting frequently will keep your company "fresh" in the user's mind and make them more likely to visit your page and engage in it.

3. Post at the Right Times
Timing is key when it comes to getting the most views on your posts. My boss has given me some tips on when to schedule posts in order for them to get the most views. She had suggested to post between 11:30 AM and 12 PM, then again at 6 PM and 9 PM. These are times when people are on lunch at work, just getting home from work, or are getting ready for bed and relaxing for the night. I decided to try her suggestions and they have proven to be very successful. Our post engagements and page views drastically increase when we post during these times.

4. Don't Always Focus on the Business
I know this sounds crazy, but focusing on only topics that relate to the business can be boring for the viewer. If you post something "off beat," then your business page will be more interesting. For example, on Monday's I usually post #ManiMonday and on Thursdays I usually post something motivational onto both pages.

5. Engage with Viewers on the Page
As I am always scheduling posts to our pages, it is very easy to get caught up and not respond to any comments. I have noticed that these posts do not perform well if there is a comment that has no response. With that being said, I try my best to respond to any comments, questions, or messages in a timely manner. When I am doing this well, our page performs well overall.


  1. I think this is awesome that you have real-life experience in dealing with social media in a professional sense. Great job on applying and improving your skills! I agree with you in the fact that some people may think social media is an easy job to perform. But there is a lot that goes into it and you touched on some of that. I like that you mentioned the social media accounts should not always focus solely on business. The content can be related to what the brand is selling but viewers appreciate unique content that is not direct advertising of a brand's product. I actually tapped into that for one of my posts as well!


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