Why it's Okay to get Married Young

When I tell people that I am engaged, they usually tell me, "But, you are so young!" or "I think you are too young to know he is the one for you." The list goes on and on. Then, of course it is followed up with, "well, congratualtions."

But what I do not understand is why people think there is a minimum age that someone has to be in order to get married. I am 22 and my fiancé is 23. Both of our parents were married by 21. What I found odd is that I get these remarks from the generations that were all married by 20 or 21. Many people try to throw facts at us. They tell us, "your brain is not fully developed until 25," "there is no way you will know because you are in college," and "do you think you will be able to handle that with your college? I do not think anyone can."

One of my engagement photos.
But, I come back with "yes." What some people do not understand is that when you are young and you find the person that completes you, it is okay to get married "young." Getting married young means that I get to do all of life's adventures and challenges with my best friend by my side. It means that I get to celebrate in all of my successes and deal with my losses with the one person who gets me more than anyone else. I get to feel more complete at a young age and make just that many more memories with my best friend than anyone else who would wait it out. Many people will say they want to finish college first or land their dream job first. But, if you do what we did, you can graduate and land your dream job before you graduate and before you are married.

Getting married young does take a lot of hard work. As I had just said, there is the obstacle of finishing any education (if one so desires) and landing a stable job. This is something that takes a lot of focus in order to have it completed before the wedding. On top of finishing any education you wanted to do, you also have to plan a wedding. I am finding this especially difficult. I have never been to a wedding (besides my aunt's in Fiji - I do not count this one, though) and everyone is expecting me to plan my own. I think is partially because I am just now getting to the age where some of my friends will be getting married. I have not been able to fully know how a wedding goes and what to expect.

I have found my person at a young age. We have been best friends for eight years and together for almost five years. We are ready to get married. We want to do all of life's adventures and experience all of life's losses together. And that is okay.


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