20 Weird Laws from Around the World

A thing that fascinates me is some of the laws in other countries around the world. Some of them are crazy, and some of them sound like there is no reason for them. I have compiled a list of weird laws from around the world below:

1. Don't Frown
As crazy as it sounds, it is illegal to frown in Milan unless you are attending a funeral or visiting someone in the hospital.

2. No Gum Allowed
Gum is a staple in most people's bags, purses, etc. This is not the case in Singapore. Gum is not bought or sold in Singapore in order to keep their public places cleaner. This makes chewing gum illegal!

3. Use both Feet to Pedal
If you ride a bike in Mexico, make sure you keep both feet on the pedals. It is illegal to take both feet off the pedals while biking because it can cause harm if you lose control.

4. Don't Spit Out the Window
It is illegal to spit out the window of a car or bus in Marietta, Georgia. However, it is legal to spit from a truck!

5. Don't Fly with a Rooster
In New Zealand, you cannot fly with a rooster in a hot air balloon. I'm not really sure why anyone would do that anyway.

6. No Lions in the Movie Theater
In Baltimore, Maryland, you can not bring a lion into a movie theater. Again, I am not sure why anyone would do that!

7. No Dirty Cars in Russia
In Russia, it is illegal to drive a dirty car. I certainly would not get far in Russia.

8. Don't Climb a Tree
You cannot climb a tree in Oshawa, Ontario.

9. No Buddha Tattoos
In Sri Lanka, it is illegal to have a tattoo of Buddha or take any photos in front of his statue.

10. No Swearing
It's illegal to swear or made rude gestures in person and online in the United Arab Emirates. It can even lead to deportation!

11. No Camouflage
Many Caribbean countries have a ban on wearing camouflage clothing. These countries include Barbados, St. Vincent, and St. Lucia.

12. No Swim Trunks Allowed
In France, it is illegal to wear regular swim trunks to swim. Men must wear Speedo style swimwear.

13. No Elephants Allowed on the Beach
In Granville, France, elephants are not allowed on the beach. This law was put in force when animals from visiting circuses were roaming the beach and "marked their territory" on the beach.

14. Don't Feed the Birds
In St. Mark's Square in Venice, it is illegal to feed the birds so the pigeon population does not grow out of control.

15. No High Heels
Many historic places in Greece have banned high heels in fear of damaging the historic monuments.

16. Don't Step on Money
In Thailand, it is illegal to step on any currency because it means you are stepping on the face of the king and are disrespecting him.

17. Don't Kiss if you have a Mustache
In Eureka, Nevada, it is illegal for a man to kiss a woman if he has a mustache or beard.

18. No Obesity in Japan
In Japan, it is illegal to be overweight unless you are a sumo wrestler.

19. Don't Let your Chicken Cross the Road
In Quitman, Georgia, it is illegal to let a chicken cross the road.

20. Don't Let a Donkey Sleep in your Bathtub
Crazy, right? In Arizona, you cannot let a donkey sleep in your bathtub after 7PM.



  1. I have definitely broken several of these laws! These are so much fun to read though. What's strange is that some of these had to have happened at some point for there to be a law against them. Like the no lions in the movie theater law. You would think that would be common sense but I'm sure that someone had to have done it for them to feel it was necessary to make it a law. Better safe than sorry I guess!

  2. Some of these laws are really crazy, like the one where it says don’t let a donkey sleep in your bathtub? That’s just nuts.


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