Redefining my Personal Brand - Chapter 4

My Social Media Principles course has convinced me to think more about social media and how it is becoming increasingly more important rapidly. We have been talking about creating a professional and a personal brand in Chapter 4 of our book. This chapter convinced me to revamp or redo my social media.

I currently have a very small following on all of my social media platforms. All of them are currently private, as well. However, I have noticed that I am not consistent through all of my platforms. For example, Facebook is very family oriented for me and very informal. My LinkedIn account is very professional, and my Instagram is very random. On Instagram, I usually post whatever I want. All three of these are set to private and not public. I do have a Twitter account, but I never use it. I literally have 5 followers and only logged back into it so I can do my live tweeting assignment

I decided to start revamping my social media with Twitter account. Since I have a very, very small following on it, I decided that it's best to start at "ground zero" to redefine my brand. I am going to make this a public account and I am going to try to post relatable things and inspirational things. Once I have my Twitter account where I want it to be, I will start revamping my Instagram profile and create an aesthetic that follows my Twitter account. However, I'm undecided if I want to make my Instagram public or not yet.

I know that these are small steps, but I am using it as a test to help define my personal brand.


  1. This chapter was very insightful on how to build your personal brand, and they are very helpful for me. It has really helped me in revamping my personal brand.


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