Artwork in a Gallery

A little known fact about me is that I have had a piece of my artwork get put into an art gallery in Lima, Ohio. In my art class during my senior year of high school my teacher told me to create a drawing that is unique and gave me no other guidelines. With that information, I sat and thought about what I wanted to do. I decided I wanted to draw a photo from New York City. I found a photo online and used it as my reference the entire time. I also decided I wanted to not just draw a photo of the city, but I wanted to make it a drawing or photo no one has seen before. I decided to keep with cool colors for the background, and warm yellows for the taxis.

I went online and found this photo for reference (I do not know who took the photo):

From that photo, I spent 13 weeks drawing each individual detail that I could. I worked on shading, shapes, and dimension. This, by far, was the most challenging part of the process. After I had it all drawn out and measured out, I spent 2 weeks coloring and shading it. My entire project was done by pencil and colored pencil. After those 15 long weeks, I was very proud of myself for my project:

I named my drawing "RapCity in Blue" but the person who made the label made a mistake and changed it to "Rad City in Blue."

To say the least, this is something I am very proud of. I just do not seem to talk about it often.


  1. Kortney, that's a really cool drawing! That sounds like it took a lot of hard work and dedication but it paid off! I wish I could draw, sculpt, or create art in that way but I am just not very good at it. I always liked going to Art Fests in school or touring museums that have drawings and paintings.

  2. This piece is great. I love how you took an ordinary picture and added your own twist to it.


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