Easter Break Shenanigans

I am just wrapping up a much needed break from school and opportunity to see family. Having Easter late this year was definitely a blessing with all the chaos and stress from school and life going on.

On Friday, my parents and I took a drive up to the Toledo Zoo to watch the animals get their Easter eggs. This is a tradition my dad and I have done for years, but my mom finally got to tag along this year. My favorite part was probably the gorillas getting their eggs. They tend to hoard them and hide them. This trip was especially important to me as my dad is about to get open heart surgery next week. That whole part is scary but it was great getting to spend time with him before he has to be healing.
My mom and I a second before we both fell off the buffalo.

On Saturday, my family and I celebrated Easter and April/May birthdays at my aunt's house. We had lots of fun and it was great getting the family together. On Easter, I had two church services and three Easter's to go to. It was an extremely busy day but I am blessed to spend it with my friends and family.


  1. I agree that Easter came at such a great time this year, it was really nice to have a break! I'm glad you had fun with your family and got to go to the zoo! I hope your dad's surgery goes great as well!


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