Ways to Deal with Stress

As the end of the semester nears, it seems that nearly every student becomes more stressed by the day. I have compiled a list of ways to help reduce stress in these last 6 week of the semester.

1. Plan time to study.
The earlier you begin studying and setting time aside to focus on one topic, the less stressed you'll be when finals week comes. Focusing on one topic at a time will give your brain a break from focusing on a million other things.

2. Make time for breaks.
Make time fro you to have a break. Schedule it if you have to. Having a break is a necessity for anyone, let alone a stressed college student.

3. Take things in small parts.
A lot of people, including myself, get very stressed very quickly when given a task and looking at the entire task at once. Break studying, assignments, or projects into smaller parts and just take it one part at a time.

4. Sleep.
It's rare that anyone has a normal sleep schedule while in college. During these final few weeks, try getting a regular sleep schedule. This will make you feel more rested and focused.

5. Reward yourself.
Giving yourself small rewards as a "pick me up" while studying or completing projects is one way people help reduce stress on themselves. Having a reward is like letting yourself know "you did it, it's behind you now."


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