Final Weeks at ONU

As my career at ONU wraps up, there are many things I have learned and many things I regret not doing.
One of my favorite photos I took on campus (November 2017).

Amongst the things I have learned, I have learned to always go for any open opportunity you have to better yourself and your career. Whenever a door opens for you that could be beneficial to you, take the chance. This has proven to be very helpful in these past few years when job and internship searching.

Another thing I have learned is to do something diverse from your major. For example, I took this social media course. I have a Marketing minor, but I did not have to choose this course for one of my electives. I chose to in order to develop my online and social media skills from a professional side of things. I know that there is a pretty great chance I will not be needing to use these skills in my job after ONU, but I will still be working at the boutique "at home" and doing all their social media.

One of the final things I have learned is to talk to everyone. I regret not doing this sooner in my ONU career. I found that talking to people, no matter their major or job, will open so many doors in the future.

As for the things I regret not doing, the first one that comes to mind is not joining any organizations. Every time anyone goes into an interview, the first question is almost always, "what organizations are you in on campus?" It is pretty embarrassing to say none. I always have to tell people that the reason I am in none is because I am working 20 to 25 hours per week plus going to school full time. This shows my work ethic, but it also sounds like I am not involved.

Another thing that I regret is not taking as many diverse courses. I know I just said this is something I learned to do, but I did not learn that until my last year and a half at ONU. I wish I would have done this sooner in my career. My father, Scott Cottle, teaches a couple labs and courses in the engineering department. He runs a lab about mechanical engineering and I had always told him I would take it. However, I never got to and it is something that I think could have taught me a great lesson between white collar and blue collar jobs.

Overall, I am extremely excited to move on from ONU, but I will miss all of the people, places, and experiences during my time here. ONU was definitely the best school to attend, and it is certainly paying off already.


  1. I can't imagine how strange it is to finally be done with school. Moving on to the workforce sounds exciting but also terrifying at the same time. I'm glad you're still thinking about the future though and taking classes that will better you and prepare you for when you finally leave college. Good luck!

  2. Next year is my senior year and I can feel those feelings already. It is so scary to think adulthood is coming and graduation is almost here. Good luck in your future journey!


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