Ch 9 - Content Marketing

Content marketing is everywhere even if we do not always realize it. When looking at a company's blog, the regular viewer may just see a blog post. However, someone who is familiar with content planning can see a calculated way each post is created and posted that best fits the audiences needs.

Content marketing is promoting content to large audiences. In order to do this successfully, there are a few things that content curators have to keep in mind:

1. Make a Connection
Making a connection with the audience is possibly the most important thing content curators must remember. If there is no connection with the audience, then there will be little to no engagement or traction to your posts (blogs, Facebook statuses, etc).

2. Start a Dialogue
...and stick with it! Content curators cannot change how they write or what they write about too much if at all. Having a dialogue can even create a sense of reliability. If a viewer notices something is different in the way that a post is made, they may lose some trust in the website or page because it is not sticking to the norms of the website or page.

3. Reinforce Certain Perceptions of the Brand
Reinforcing certain aspects of your brand is essential. For example, if a company has a mission that contains something about being eco-friendly or sustainable, then that company would want to post about how they are eco-friendly or about other eco-friendly things. Reinforcing these aspects will allow viewers to remember the brand as sustainable or eco-friendly.

Another key aspect of successfully being a content curator and making growing your brand awareness is to have a content calendar. If someone just posts random things at random times of the day for a company, it makes the viewer feel as though the brand is not organized or does not have a flow to it. Carefully planning out each post, what is in the post, and when it is posted are key to keeping some normality to your brand's social media. However, you cannot just make a calendar and never look at it again. You always have to revise it because things change and you need to keep a positive brand reputation.


  1. Content marketing is so important. Keeping things simple and consistent is the way to win at content marketing!


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