Measurement and Evaluation

In Chapter 10, we read about measurement and evaluation when it comes to social media. This chapter was actually relatable to my current job at Boutique 415 and Polished.

As mentioned in the chapter, many people think that social media is easy and free for businesses. In order to get anything from it, these things are actually false. A lot of hard work and planning goes into running a successful social media account for your business. Because of this, having a social media budget is crucial for any business. Here is a guideline of things to think about when budgeting for social media:

  • Tools (smartphones, software, computers, etc.)
  • People (social media specialists)
  • Consulting Fees (if work is needed from an outside source or firm)
  • Research
  • Education (books, webinars, certifications, etc.)
  • Promotion and Sponsored Content
With my job, I can relate to a few of these. The first one would be tools. My boss brings her laptop to work everyday in order for me to create content and schedule it with more ease.  The second one is people. I am the one who does 99% of the social media for the businesses and I often am working outside of being at work. Because of this, I am paid a little extra because managing social media is a huge task itself. Consulting fees, research, and education do not really apply to my job as the businesses are smaller and still growing. The third and final thing that applies to my job is promotion and sponsored content. If we are hosting a giveaway or having a large sale, my boss will often promote a post on Facebook or Instagram so it reaches a larger audience. This usually does end up paying off well for us and generates more sales and foot traffic to our store/salon.


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