The Depth of Memes

I am currently enrolled in ONU's first ever memetic communications course. This course has to do with memes and where they originated from and how there are many uses for them.

When I first enrolled in this course, I had the mentality that I already knew most of the material and that this course would be an "easy A." I quickly found out I was very wrong. There are many different aspects about memes, or memetic artifacts, that are confusing if you do not already study memes. For example, terms like lingua franca, vernacular creativity, and cultural capital are thrown around frequently. If you have no idea what these terms mean, then this course can get confusing.

However, this course did open my eyes to a whole meme "industry." In this industry, there are people who are creating memes with many contextual layers that are geared towards what audiences want to see. In industry or market terms, meme creators are the suppliers for the audience who are the demand. I never realized that there are so many communities that form themselves around memes. There are thousands of communities that create memes, share memes, and use meme language to communicate.

This class is one that I took as an elective to reach the needed credits for graduation. Although there are many confusing aspects to the course, I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is looking for a unique elective to take.


  1. That sounds like a super unique class that is a lot of fun! I'm glad you enjoy the class! I had no idea memes were so deep and that you could even study them in that way.


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