Thoughts of a College Senior

As graduation approaches, I have been catching myself thinking about what's to come after graduation. Here is a list of thoughts I have on almost a daily basis now that I'm a senior.

1. Who is letting me be an adult?

2. I don't want to grow up.
Let's be honest. All I want to do is color in a coloring book and drink a margarita anymore.

3. Time needs to slow down.

4. I can't believe I'm almost done with schooling.
I think this multiple times a day. College seemed so far away in middle school.

5. Senioritis is so real.

6. I can't wait to be done.
I go between not wanting to be done with college and being beyond done with college daily.

7. These loans are going to kill me.

8. Is it even worth it?
I still think this even with only 6 weeks left.

9. I can't believe I made it.'
College has been the hardest yet most rewarding decision of my life.


  1. I also can't believe that I was allowed to be an adult. I feel like I don't know anything. I feel completely unprepared to go out into the world on my own. There are times where I just stop and think back to when I was a kid and just miss the days where things were fun and easy. But I try not to dwell on those kinds of things. I am excited for the future and what it might bring. The year is almost over and I am nearing my last semester. I am excited but also rationally concerned.


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