Travel Bucket List

I have a passion for traveling and adventures. I try to do both of them when I can. I have compiled a list of places I want to travel to before I am 50:

1. Switzerland
I don't have a specific place in Switzerland that I want to go. My great-grandfather came from Switzerland as a young child. I would like to see what it looks like where he was born and raised.

2. Nebraska
This one seems random, but it's one of the most important places I want to travel. My grandmother was adopted from Nebraska. She passed away before I was born and I am named after her. We know very little about her biological family other than she had lots of siblings. She was adopted a year before Nebraska adoption records were made public and her adoption papers were burnt in a fire. I would love to know more about her and her biological family.

3. Venice, Italy
I would love to go to Venice. The photos are beautiful and I'd like to explore its history.

4. South Africa
I would love to experience any part of this country.

5. Bora Bora
I have already been to Fiji. Fiji is similar to Bora Bora, but i would love to stay in a hut over the ocean.

6. Portland, Oregon
I just want to be able to say I've been here.

7. Seattle, Washington
I would love to see the innovation of this city.

8. Chicago, Illinois
I feel like most people have been here before. I want to see it for myself and be cliche with a picture at the Bean.


  1. This travel bucket list is awesome, I love all the places you picked and I also want to visit these at some point in my life. Hopefully we both get the chance at some point to visit these!

  2. I do not have a travel bucket list. Unfortunately, I am not very adventurous. Travel makes me very stressed, especially if it involves flying. I do like going to the beach and on vacations but I don't think I would ever go outside of the United States. I would have to do a lot of research beforehand.


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