Dublin Irish Festival

As one of the assignments for my Social Media Principals course, we were assigned to make an infographic regarding one of the speakers from the Social Media Workshop that we attended March 22. I chose to make my infographic based off the information we received from Mary Jo DiSalvo. DiSalvo discussed the Dublin Irish Festival with us.

The Dublin Irish Festival takes place in Dublin, Ohio, and honors the Irish culture. The event started in 1988 and has gone from only being in a park to now being a 40 acre event. Below is the infographic I have created regarding the presentation:

Starting at the top of the infographic, I made a chart to breakdown the gross revenue from the 2018 festival. Overall, there was $1,823,000 in gross revenue. The breakdown of this is $908,000 from beverage purchases, $627,000 from admissions, and $288,000 from sponsorships.

The next chart is a breakdown of the social media activity during the event. DiSalvo shared that more than 55,000 people turned to Twitter for updates during the event, there was a 365% increase in Instagram mentions, and they gained 42,000 fans on Facebook.

We were also given information regarding "big figures." In 2018, there were 94,000 guests, 1,200 volunteers, and $2.5 million in revenues.


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